Suvy Tuominen

Suvi Tuominen has worked with the themes of media literacy, digitalisation, young people and youth work for well over 15 years.

She has worked as manager at Verke since 2014. Verke coordinates The Centre of Expertise for Digital Youth Work in Finland. The Ministry of Education and Culture has contracted Verke to develop digital youth work, and to offer services (eg. training & materials) to professionals working with young people around Finland.

Tuominen has taken part in producing many publications, for example Digital Youth Work – A Finnish Perspective (Verke, 2017) and Pedagogies of Media and Information Literacies (Unesco, 2012).

She was the Finnish representative in the EU expert group on digitalisation and youth (see EU publication Developing Digital Youth Work, 2019).

Before starting at Verke, Tuominen managed the Finnish Safer Internet Centre and worked for the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare.

You can contact Suvi at